Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive plastic surgery is done to correct facial and body abnormalities caused by birth defects, injury, disease, or aging. Usually, the goal of reconstructive plastic surgery is to improve body function. However, reconstructive plastic surgery may also be done to create a more normal appearance and improve self-esteem.
There are a number of areas in plastic surgery that may be either or both reconstructive or cosmetic, depending on your situation. For example, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may be a procedure done for cosmetic improvement, as well as to correct eyelids that are drooping severely and obscuring vision
- Department of Neurosciences
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Infertility Centre
- Orthopaedic & Joint Replacement
- Anaesthesiology & Critical Care
- Onco Surgery
- Hepatology
- Pain & Palliative Care
- Radiology
- Pathology
- General Laproscopic Surgery
- Medicine
- Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Physiotherapy
- Gastroenterology
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
- Cardiology
- Urology
- Psychiatry